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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Make Money Blogging: Why I chose it

My blog is dedicated to teaching others how to make money blogging, being the best at internet marketing, and all things in between. But why have I chosen a niche that is so hard to turn around into being the #1 source online? Let me explain…

You all know that there are a ton of blogs out there that teach you how to make money blogging. You will also know that most of them are rarely updated, or updated on a strange schedule. I continue on as predicted, and sometimes even more than predicted. The simple fact is that I chose a topic which has the best chance of attracting commentators. Why? Because every single blogger out there who has an ad on their blog is looking for the information that I teach.

Because my readers are bloggers, I don’t have to choose a blog to comment on based on it’s niche. You can write about travel, and I might comment on your blog. You would see my comment, and follow back to my blog to find information on blogging. This is the exact reason why I knew this blog would be successful.

You may not know a thing about making money blogging, but it is nothing to worry about. You can choose your niche, and still target multiple readers. If you write for health, you have a target of literally anyone who is concerned about their health. You can aim to reach mothers who want to keep their kids healthy, or elderly who are naturally concerned about their health. If you write for travel, your readers are going to be travel agents, and anyone who wants to go on vacation.

When you decide to make money blogging though, make sure you stop by here.

How to steal a bloggers article without making an enemy

I knew this title would get your attention. I have to stop writing these kinds of articles because it creates stalkers who want to experiment on my brain. But anyways…

So you want to steal a cool article and use it as your own. But if you did that, you would surely have a ticked off blogger at your doorstep with a double-barrel shotgun waiting for you to check your mail. Right? Nope. I am going to tell you how you can steal an article, and actually make a friend out of the blogger you steal from!

The trick here is to not actually steal it, but do a hybrid review/expansion of that article. What I mean by this is you would find a great article by another blogger, but you read it in-depth and realize that there are points that have been left out of that article. The first thing you want to do is show your appreciation of that article before you do anything else. Once that is done, you start a draft on a new article in your blog.

Ok, so about the new article…

The new article would praise the first article, and link to it directly talking about the things that you liked about it. You would then tell your readers that you had something to add to that topic, or you want to expand upon it. You would then proceed with your version of that article.

The cool thing about this is that you will get the immediate attention of the blogger who wrote the first article. They are likely to come to your blog and comment on yours. In addition, you would probably get a pingback link on the original article. Depending on that pingback, the link might be DoFollow. You also benefit from the traffic on their blog that follows that pingback.

In addition to the above, there is a good chance that the first blogger will promote your article via social networks like twitter and Digg. Their readers will also do that because it helps promote the original blogger that they follow.

Go out there and steal some articles!

Calculated risks can make your blog great

RiskTaking a risk every now and then is what puts you into the global success lottery. Without risk, you would die a poor struggling individual. Even people playing a $1 a month lottery ticket are at least attempting to take a risk. They risk a dollar, and have a chance to win a million dollars.

As a blogger, you have to learn how to take calculated risks in order to advance and grow your community. Your goal may be to collect email addresses to allow you to put your brand out there in every household. You may just want to get people to your blog so they can click on your ads. Whatever your desire may be, taking risks will allow you to use leverage to grow that audience by huge numbers.

You may know that I recently made a calculated risk by adding my new forum. The risk is that I am starting all over from scratch with zero forum members, and if I don’t grow those numbers quickly I may end up looking like a complete marketing joke. I made the risk because I have lots of marketing experience, and I know very well that what I am offering in that forum has value to every single one of my readers. I have everything in there from marketing and monetization knowledge, to job boards for those looking for and/or providing a service. You can even find or offer guest posting opportunities on there.

I took the calculated risk knowing that I have potential to grow my site traffic, readership, and opportunities to sell my services and affiliate offers as well as make additional ad revenue.

A fellow blogger recently talked about another calculated risk about ranting on your blog. You may lose some readers, but you may instead show your readers that you are human too and have feelings like the rest of us.

If you play to remain a stale blog, by all means don’t take any risk whatsoever. However, if you want to make some great gains, you have to start thinking TODAY about how you are going to take some calculated risks.

Are you missing out by not offering a contest on your blog? Why are you not taking the risk? The risk here is that you won’t get many entries. But the positive outcome may be lots of new subscribers and followers! Take the time below to tell us and your fellow readers what ideas you have for calculated risk taking…

Piracy can make you money!

The Pirate BayI bet you are wondering how in the hell can someone stealing end up earning you money? Well, I will tell you but not yet. Keep reading and I will get to it in good time. Piracy can be a major setback for someone who is trying to protect their copyright and ensure they are paid for licenses to their work.

You may know piracy best for it’s role in movie distribution, and music downloaders being sued by the RIAA. There have been some very big developments in the piracy age that has brought the topic into the spotlight. What you didn’t expect to see on the news that even elderly people were downloading music instead of buying it. There have been reports of parents, not even knowing their kids were downloading the content, being sued for their child’s activities.

This sort of thing has to have you questioning whether or not you can keep a copyright and make some money by selling digital goods these days. Everybody after-all, is stealing.

Well you can…

You can make a fortune by using piracy to your advantage. The method used for a lot of pirating is called Torrent downloading. There is this file called a Torrent, with a .torrent extension, and it allows you to download media from multiple sources at once. When you upload something, you allow for it to be downloaded by at least one more person. Then what happens is that person continues to stream the download for others to grab. If all goes well, it will be streaming from hundreds of sources at once. If it does, the download will be available to downloaders much quicker than it was at first when you were the only source.

If you were to bank on the fact that piracy was running strong, you would want to take advantage in some way. Well you are in luck! You can market your product as something that is so valuable, it should be stolen immediately!

I know you’re thinking “why should I want people to steal my product?” Well, because you need to think of piracy as mass distribution and nothing more. Now I do have to say that you don’t want your money-making products to be stolen. If you sell an ebook for $47, then you want to continue selling it and making a profit. But what about those ebooks that you give away with a newsletter subscription, or as a free download available to anyone directly from your website?

By putting your product in the torrent system, you are making it available to millions of potential downloaders. You will have to view a torrent description the same way as you would an Amazon description though. Make your ebook stand out fromt he crowd with a nice cover, and formatted words that make people say “I have got to download that!”

How does this make me money?

Ok. Now listen carefully… If you created an ebook properly, you most likely referenced your website inside of it at least once. You may have included affiliate links to products you mentioned. You may have mentioned your newsletter, or your rss feeds. Maybe you mentioned your social networks. Now assume this file is downloaded by a million people or more. What kind of traffic, and affiliate sales do you think you will get?

Piracy can be used to your advantage. You don’t have to be the angry copyright holder that grubles every time someone downloads their product illegally. You can turn the frown upside down and make some serious doh! off of it.

How you get started is by downloading a free program called BitTornado, and using it to create a torrent file for your ebook. You would then open up that torrent file, and BitTornado will stream it for you. You can go to a torrent site such as IsoHunt or MiniNova and announce your torrent. This will allow it to be indexed by torrent directories everywhere.

Keep an eye on your torrent, and watch as people start to grab it. Check the directory you announced it at for stats showing how many downloaders there are, and how many seeders are sharing it at this time. Then sit back and watch your traffic and affiliate stats rack up points!

Are you leaving a traffic source on the table?

Free traffic and review once per month!

I am starting an official free review and free traffic post one time on the first of every month from here on out. Why? Because I run into some good blogs every day, and I feel this is a way for me to show my appreciation to those that dedicate their time creating and maintaining these blogs.

Please note that this is the start of a tradition. If I have not covered you on the next month, or the next month after, and you know that I love your blog, then understand that it will happen eventually as I only reserve one day for this post. Thank you for your understanding.

The very first edition of this new tradition will cover Alex Whally. (I know it’s a day ahead of Amercia where you are Alex so don’t be a smart azz about it not being the 1st of the month, lol) Why Alex? Because his posts are always insightful, and I look forward to reading them.

Alex WhalleyHis latest post about focus and planning while creating solid goals was excellent. Although I still have no idea what the hell coconuts have to do with anything.

Without goals, bloggers would die out. Without realistic goals, bloggers would give up before their success had a chance to snowball. All in all, this post was thoughtfully written and laid out. I especially like how the definitions were broken down into a bulleted list with descriptions. I thought I was the only one who believed in providing broken down descriptions in my lists.

If you check out Alex’s blog, you will find loads of insightful, original articles on blogging, and planning out your blog.

If you havn’t yet, I would like to jump off this tradition by asking you to stop by his blog and leave a comment. Let our community show how supportive we can be on this marketing blog.

Want to get a free review and free traffic from me? Post a link to me on your blog somewhere. I often check my stats and follow links to blogs that link to me. If I find it to be a great blog while I am checking it out, you just might get reviewed!


The 7 step program to becoming a leading blog

I love lists. But even more, I love to break a list down into some serious meat and potatoes. That’s why I created a 7-step program for becoming a leading blog. This is kind of like an alcoholics anonymous program. If you stick with it, you can be a leading blog in 6 months or less! If you break away from the program, it can mean the ultimate doom of your blogging future..

My 7-step program is based on a few of my past posts, and I decided to bring them into one gigantic article for your convenience. I hope you enjoy this article, and please leave a comment below.

The 7 Steps

  • Your Layout Must Stand Out
  • Collect Subscribers From The Start
  • Establish Your Content FIRST
  • Communities Take Care Of Each Other
  • Being A Graceful Guest
  • Utilizing The Entire Tool
  • Make It Manage Itself

Your Layout Must Stand Out

Utilize your layout. It will be pretty tough to stand out if you have a layout that isn’t customizable and has been downloading by a few thousand other bloggers out there. If you download a free theme, get one that allows you to upload a new background and adjust other styling features. Or at the least, get one that stand out in asthetics. If at all possible, hire a designer to create a custom theme for you. I currently charge $699 to design custom Wordpress themes (this may change by the time you read this).

If you ever want to stand out, you really have to make your blog memorable. You also need to ensure that your best content is reachable with little effort on the part of your readers. This might mean that you have to place the popular posts as a top widget in your sidebar. Your best content is what will receive the most comments. It just makes sense to place those in front where people can see them. This helps you establish your authority in your niche and will help you grow your followers and subscribers.

Obviously, if you are going to grow your followers and subscribers, you need to make sure you place your newsletter signup and twitter link front and center to make it easy for them. People love convenience, and by placing your newsletter on top, along with a 1-step process to subscribe, you are likely to secure a new subscriber.

Your layout is your image. You don’t have to change it on a regular basis, but you do have to create a brand for yourself that’s lasting.

Collect Subscribers From The Start

I actually made this mistake, and learned from it before it was too late. The mistake? Not having a newsletter from the beginning. If you want to be a leading blogger, you need to build your list RIGHT AWAY! Your list will be your biggest and best marketing tool that will allow you to:

  • Notify readers of updates and new articles.
  • Promote your affiliate offers and get clicks/conversions.
  • Sell direct advertising on your blog and within your newsletter.

Your newsletter is very important, and delaying putting one into motion will be detrimental to your blogs success.

There are some major blogs out there that teach what I teach, but they tend to tell bloggers that it is a good idea to send a couple of free info packed newsletters, and then one affiliate promotion a month. I will never and in no way send out a newsletter with nothing but an affiliate offer in it. If I wanted to direct a subscriber to an offer that I deemed worthy, I would link to it within my info packed content. I despise newsletters that send out even one issue that had nothing more than a sales pitch. Those are the kinds of newsletters that I hit the “unsubscribe” link on, never to return.

I love my newsletter, and I am careful with what I send. I am so worried about losing even one subscriber, so I take care to do a few rounds of quality control checking before I hit the send button. Don’t worry about frequency with the newsletter, just worry about quality. It is good however to do it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Daily should be avoided unless you have a 1-week program or something in order to create a quick demand for your newsletter.

Establish Your Content FIRST

When you first start out a blog, it is nothing but a blank canvas with the words “hello world” on it. Turning that into a community jammed with traffic is no easy process. You have to realize that you need to provide the quality stuff right from the get-go, even though you have absolutely no readers to be impressed by it. Don’t worry. If you follow my 7 step program in it’s entirety, this will not be an issue as you will have even those first articles packed with comments in no time at all.

Your best content should be published every single day. If you have to wonder even for a second if it is worth of posting, then chances are it’s not. Whether or not your articles are short, medium length, or in great detail, you need to ensure it is your best. If you make a mistake of publishing less than worthy content, don’t have a panic attack. It happens to the best of us, and it is something you learn by.

I like to write content like this 7-step program because lists to great with readers and commentary. It allows you to look at your topic in a bulleted list, and break down that content in a way that keeps the readers attention. Your content is a translation of the thoughts in your head. Do you want people to think you are a nutball?

Most importantly, quality control your content. I often see articles with some major misspellings and grammar issues. I am a subscriber of a few major blogs, and I recently downloaded one of their PDF blogging guides to see how they are faring. It turned out that they had some serious misspellings and missing words within the first paragraph which made me shutter.

Communities Take Care Of Each Other

New blogs seem to lack the love that established once seem to be teaming with. But not to worry. Even if you have a single great article on your blog, you can get it jumping with traffic and commentary with little effort. My wife did! When you first publish your article, it is time to go out there and comment on other blogs. Commenting on other blogs is what will bring you immediate traffic to your own blog.

How do you go about finding said blogs? Search for them. Do a Google search for your niche subject along with the word “blog” and see what comes out on top. Go to a blog with lots of comments and comment on it. Then go to the blogs that belong to the people commenting on that blog, and comment on their blogs. This is an easy process, and will result in people clicking on your blog link and commenting on yours!

So many people fail to understand how important it is to comment on other blogs. I wrote a short article recently and sent it out in my newsletter about this very subject. If you are not a subscriber, you are missing out on free tips by the way.

At first, I failed to take my own advice. But as soon as I did, I noticed that my commentators were regular. Now, I spend every single day commenting on other blogs. It is easy to find articles to comment on too. The great thing about my niche in “making money blogging” is that I can comment on pretty much any blog out there. My entire target reader group is blog owners!

Being A Graceful Guest

This is a major traffic generator. The great thing about guest posting on other blogs related to my own is that I only have to do it once, and that article will bring me traffic from then on as long as that blog is still in business. Another great thing about guest posting is that you get to introduce your writing style to an already established readership. That readership becomes your own if those readers love what you write.
I have recently guest posted on multiple blogs, and I notice traffic from those guest articles every day. I also notice that the referrals end up turning into commentators on my own blog.

Guest posting means that you have to write your best content exclusively for another blog. A bad move would be to write an article as a guest post, then republish that article on your own blog, or some article site. That sort of conduct will result in you getting a bad reputation. Guest posting is about sharing your knowledge with others, and providing unique content for the blog you guest post on.

While it would be great to be able to guest post on the biggest blogs in your niche, it is not your main goal. Your goal should be to guest on blogs with small and medium readerships because those are the ones that will be likely to accept your article, and become long-standing friends with you to help promote your work in the future.

Don’t underestimate the power of a small to medium sized blog. One day, that blog might be a leading content source. And with them as your friend, you will realize that you have a powerful ally.

Utilizing The Entire Tool

Ok Guys. This doesn’t mean what you think it does ;) when I talk about utilizing the entire tool, I am talking about the features of social networks and other websites that allow you to network with others.

An example of a tool that I have under-utilized in the past is Twitter’s search feature. When I post an article on my blog, it automatically published a partial description and link to my Twitter status. What I failed to do was to tag it with #Blog which will help me get found for that search word. The great features of Twitter allow you to tag search phrases, and also direct your message at a person you want to see it with the @ symbol. This will help you get Twitter followers because when that person replies to you, their own followers will see it and may potentially follow you as well!

Another recent tool I have decided to utilize was my facebook fan page. I started it because I have a pretty big network on Facebook, and that number is growing closer to the maximum every day. Who am I to neglect this potential traffic source? So I created the fan page so that I can provide unique content just for it. Then I can draw the fans back to my blog and turn them into regulars and subscribers. Never underestimate the power of a 3rd party tool which was developed to help you network socially.

Make It Manage Itself

The great thing about Wordpress is that I can use it’s various features, and the plugin functionality to take care of redundant tasks for me. An example would be to automatically link certain keywords and keyphrases to pages or other sites. Even affiliate links. An example of me doing this would be with the phrase “my newsletter” which will direct you to sign up *HINT*HINT*!

Another great tool I use with my blog is oiopublisher which allows me to automate the sales of my direct ads here on the blog. If you want to buy a text link in the sponsored section of my right sidebar, then it is as easy as one – two – three. You input your information and pay. Then wham bam thank you mam! Your ad is good to go on my blog!

Automating tasks that would normally take precious time from your ability to comment on other blogs and write great content for yours would be ignorant to pass up. It is plain sacrilegious to do it any other way.


Your blog might be a blank canvas, but there is no reason for you to be lost in the crowd. Think of your blog as one of your greatest assets and take out insurance on it. Also, during the 7-step process, make sure to make a daily or multi-daily backup of your blog files and database like I do. It really sucks butt-monkeys to wake up to a message that says “You have been hacked by Allah!” That crap just makes me want to join the Army. But when I have backups, I am less focused on revenge and can go back to making my blog great.

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter and subscribe to my rss feeds!

Blogger Terms Dictionary (Extended Edition)

Blogger Terms Dictionary

: A list bloggers who have a blog with traffic is relatively high and much is known in the blogging world. Usually refer to the list of 100 Technorati Blog.

Adsense: online advertising network of the most famous on the internet.
Adsense is owned by Google and provide the opportunity for the bloggers to monetize their blogs with displaying contextual ads on their blogs. Every time someone Google Adsense clicks on your ad text, then the owner will blog get some commission.

Adwords: The opposite of Adsense. Adwords allows companies or individuals to advertise and promote products, services or their sites based on the calculation of cost per click (CPC). An advertiser must specify the keyword to target and what price he could give to every click. AdWords ads can appear on Google search results pages and in the Adsense ad units on your site or blog that followed the Adsense program.

Affiliate Marketing: Also referred to as an affiliate, is a way very popular to get the money from the internet where a affiliate program owners to give other people a chance to marketing of products or services in exchange for a number of commissions. Commission may be fixed or variable, and can be based on
clicks, leads or sales that occur.

Akismet: Spam filter plugin for WordPress blog platform very popular. Created by the same company create a code of WordPress, Automattic.

Alexa: An online company (owned by, which monitors traffic of all sites on the Internet. Ranking System used is based on statistical data from the browser toolbar Internet users. Later they changed their ranking algorithm is to eliminate the bias that many profitable toolbar technology related sites. The lower the Alexa ranking, then trafficnya higher. However there are a number of controversy about the accuracy of this Alexa ranking.

Anchor Text: The text used in the back links. Mostly expert search engine optimization (SEO) agreed that the anchor text is one important factor that influences the position ranking of a website or blog in search results.

Atom: A feed syndication format that was developed as RSS alternative. Atom allows one to get updates article from a website or blog when there are new posts.

Automattic: The company founded by Matt Mullenweg and responsible for the development of (software blogs) and WordPress (hosting) in addition to other projects.

Backlink: hyperlink that appears on blogs or other sites and links on the main page or another page in a blog or website. Backlink is important because Google and other search engines use the amount and quality of backlinks as a measure of the level trust a blog or website.

Blackhat: Incorporating SEO and online marketing techniques that often unethical and even illegal at times with a specific purpose. Hiding text behind a picture or use the pages doorway with the re-direct is an example of blackhat techniques.

Blog: A new type of site where the owners publish thoughts, ideas or knowledge about a particular topic. Usually contents of the article, called the post, and prepared on chronological order. Blog initially appeared as an online diary, but current blogs cover a variety of niche topics, and compete tight with most of the mass media.

Blog Carnival: An event when the bloggers come together to to create a collection of articles about a topic particular. Blog carnival usually consists of only one blog with number of participating blogs submit an article.

Blogger: Someone who has a blog. Blogger is also a commercial name and hosting free blog platform owned by Google (which better known by the name extension Blogspot).

Blogging: Excessive write something in the blog. It could also mean wider activities undertaken by a blogger (Eg, interact with readers, prepare the materials content, etc.).

Bloglines: RSS Feed Reader One of the most popular. Bloglines is a web-based application that allows users to subscribe to and manage RSS feeds.

Blogosphere: The term used to describe the world created by a network of blogs.

Blogroll: blogs are very popular feature that allows owners blog displays a list of other blogs recommended. This feature is usually displayed in the sidebar. But this time the little blog that shows my blogroll.

Comments: Almost all blog platforms allow readers to provide comment and leave feedback on every pages of a blog posting that article. These features make the blog into a direct conversation and the media has become one, one factor of success in the world of Internet blogs.

Comment spam: Comments are written solely for get a backlink and hopefully it will provide traffic flow visitors to the blog party who wrote the comment spam.

Compete: The company web analysts, like Alexa, which monitor and estimate the amount of traffic your site or blog.

CPC: Short for cost-per-click, and it represents a forms of online advertising where the advertiser (advertiser) give some money to each visitor who clicks
ads and visit a site or product sales page. On the other hand, there is an ad publisher (publisher), which displays ads CPC on the website or blog and earn money for each click a visitor site or blog. The CPC ad network The most famous is Google Adwords.

CPA: Short for cost-per-action, and he represents a form of online advertising where the advertiser (advertiser) will be pay when visitors a site action (eg when they subscribe to newsletter or buy a particular product). Most affiliate programs
CPA scheme.

CPM: Short for cost-per mille, which means the 1000 mille in Latin. CPM, so that means the price per 1000 impression, and it represents a form of online advertising where the advertiser (advertiser) pays a certain price when banner ads or other ads they display every 1000 times a site or blog.

CSS: Short for Cascading Style Sheets, and is programming language used to create pages Wes written with HTML or XHTML code. CSS Advantages is to allow you to control the web page view simultaneously from the same location (CSS files).

Digg: The most famous social bookmarking sites in the world. On Digg is basically a site that lived by its users, where members of the Digg community to give vote to a articles that will appear on the front page of the site. For most site owners, appeared on the front page of Digg is a pride. He could give thousands of visitors only within a day. Nevertheless, there is controversy on the quality of visitor traffic coming from Digg because Usually we rarely go back and rarely click on ads.

Domain: Also known as domain name or names hosting domain, is the name of your site or blog listed in the world Internet. Example domain names are

Duplicate content: Content duplication of results (usually in the form text / articles) within a site or blog. Search engine (eg Google Search Engine) tend to impose penalties for the site or blog with duplicate content.

Favicon: Short for "Favorite Icon", is an icon associated with the logo of a website or blog and would appear on the browser or the bookmark. Intended Favicon to make it easier to identify a site or blog.

Feed: Also called a web feed or news feed is a format data used in the world of the Internet to facilitate users get updates from the site or blog articles favorite. There are two main types of feeds formats: RSS and Atom Feeds Feed.

Feed Count: Usually refers to the widget from FeedBurner function to report the number of RSS subscribers on a site or blog.

FeedBurner: An online company owned by Google which provide RSS feeds. FeedBurner is a service provides free RSS feeds with various interesting features,
and eases site or blog owners to collect statistical data RSS Feed site or blog.

FTP: Short for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another. If you use the service hosting company, you need FTP to transfer files your site from your computer to the hosting company's servers.

Google Analytics: A free service from Google that gives site owners a range of information and statistics on the number of traffic and visitors to its site. Google Analytics also known as one of the most trusted web services (other services like
Webalizer or AWStats figures tend to overstate the include non-human traffic into the data generated).

Google Reader: RSS Reader is the world's most popular on the internet. Google
Reader is a web-based application that allows the users to subscribe and manage your site or RSS Feed particular blog. Because it was so popular, many sites Google Reader is displaying a special badge so that readers can subscribe to RSS feeds through Google Reader.

Hotlinking: Also known as inline links and a thief bandwidth, hotlinking refers to practices using certain object (often an image) from one site into other sites. Although this practice was originally a part of great design world wide web, but lately people tend to associate with the practice of abuse. When you doing hotlinking an image on another site, for example, You have been "stealing" bandwidth to the site and likely also has violated its copyright.

Linkbait: All kinds of content (articles, tools, quizzes, videos, pictures) created with the main objective to attract links to sites concerned. The quantity and quality of backlinks is one factor behind the Google search engine algorithm, that was the reason why people really take notice. There's even an online marketer specializes in creating ways linkbait campaign.

Movable Type: blogging software that was created by Six Apart. In the year 2007 Movable Type becomes free blogging service (Issued under the provisions of the GPL or General Public License).

Meta tags: Meta tags are HTML codes that exist in parts pages of a site. Unlike other HTML tags, meta tags does not appear on post pages, so most visitors never saw it. Meta tags have different functions different, but generally it is used for provide additional information about the condition of a page site to the search engine robots.

Niche: In the jargon of the Internet world, a niche refers to a particular topic or subject. Most sites include one or more niche. Examples of such niche is sports, gossip, humor and finance. Some are considered more popular and niche profitable than others.

Nofollow: Also referred to as the nofollow tag is a tag links are inserted in the code that serves to instruct the robot search engines so that they do not follow the relevant links, and therefore do not consider it a real link. Google and other search engines recommend that all paid links use nofollow tags.

PageRank: Google PageRank is also often called, is a metric system used by Google to assess the level trust a site. Google PageRank has a value scale from 0 up to 10, where 10 is the highest confidence level value you can get. There is a complex algorithm is reversed scale PageRank, but the most important factors that influence it is the amount and quality of backlinks a site or blog. PageRank value (Which can be viewed using the Google Toolbar) are updated every
once every three months.

Page Views: Also called impression. Every time a user Internet opens a particular web page, one page view will be calculated. An Internet user, for example, can get sejumalh page views during the visit a site. Popular sites can get millions of page views every month.

PHP: Hypertext Processor Programming Short, is a programming language designed for creating web pages that move. Many sites (such as built using PHP, as well as some blog platforms (Eg WordPress). If you are a blogger or web master, there is most likely that you will be using PHP.

Pillar article: A term first coined by Yaro Starak, for referring to a long article and structured, containing information or a useful reference source, which is published
on the blog. This article is very important to build the pillars of authority and attract visitor traffic to your blog. Both the above factors come from other bloggers who benefit from pillar articles and link the link to the article pillar.

Ping: A computer network tool used to test whether a computer or hosting can be opened on the internet. In jargon of the world's bloggers and web masters, ping also means action sending messages to a server network to inform that you update your blog or website. Every time you publish a new article post, for example, you able to ping the search engines to inform the update you do.

Pingback: A tool used to notify network a site when someone linked a link or reference to sites. Most blog platforms are noted pingback automatically. That is, when someone links to a link the articles you write, the link will appear on your blog comment section You.

Pligg: An open source software that allows users to create social bookmarking sites on its website. The most famous site that uses software is Pligg

WordPress Plugin: special codes created with the purpose to develop a software capability, in this case is WordPress. There are thousands of WordPress plugins that have been made, with very diverse functions.

Pro Blogger: The term for a professional blogger earn money through blogging and living from the income that he receive from blogging activities.

RSS: Short for Really Simple Syndication. RSS is a format used to transmit information from a site and the site's pages are updated regularly. A document RSS (which is called feed) contains a summary or full content from a site. The biggest advantage is to use RSS allows visitors of a site to keep in touch with their favorite sites without having to visit a online. When you subscribe to an RSS feed, as You will automatically receive content updates related sites if the site is to publish new content.

Scraper: A person who copy content from other sources (both sites or blogs) and publish it on his own blog, with or without giving credit links, and without asking permission to the original author. Scraper can be done manually or automatic and usually use the tool scraping RSS feeds. Scraper clearly a violation of copyright.

Splog: Blogs are only used to publish spam content. Splogs usually contains text copied from other sources, combined with links to sites of illegal drugs, liquor and gambling.

SEO: Short for search engine optmization. SEO includes number of activities aimed at improving the ranking of a site in the search results page search engines (especially Google). There is two types of activities undertaken, namely: on-page optimization, ie optimize the use of tags and content of a site; and off-page optimization, ie optimizing the external factors eg number and quality of backlinks, promotion techniques, and others.

SERP: Short for search engine results page. When you a keyword search through Google search engine, you will get 10 pages of search results according to the word The keywords you are looking for. Page that is called a SERP. Social Bookmarking: Also called social aggregators or bookmarking community. Social Bookmarking is the site allows users to locate, deliver, disseminate and provide an article of the vote against Internet. The most popular social bookmarking sites are,, and

Social Media: A general term used for
defining website and web applications where there is an element of interaction social therein (in the form of text, images, sound, video or combination thereof). Examples of social media sites are blogs, online forums, social networks, Wikipedia and others. Social Networks: In the Internet world, this term refers to number of sites and applications, where the aim is to give its users the opportunity to have a similar interest for interconnected, interact and share. Popular examples is the social network site and

StumbleUpon: social bookmarking site that aims popular enables its users to find new sites and interesting. StumbleUpon works by using a browser toolbar that allows users to give a vote and clicking the "Stumble!" which will feature a number of site or web page based on user choices and what which in-vote by another user.

Subscriber: Visitors who subscribe to your site or blog RSS feeds a site or subscribe via email. Whenever site these are updated with new content, customers will receive content via RSS Reader or via email. The web master and bloggers are really concerned because he was the number of RSS subscribers represents the number of loyal readers and traffic visitors constant.

Tags: Almost the same as categories, tags are used for classify an article atupun content within a site. Tags are more flexible than the commonly used categories and more specific manner. One article or post is usually given a large category and many tags in it.

Technorati: blog search engine services, which provide information tracking blogs, posting links and links from around the world. Very popular in recent years despite losing attention. One of the most famous features is the list Technorati Top 100, which gives a ranking of 100 most popular blogs world based on the number of links from other blogs.

Twitter: A social networking and microblogging service that now very popular. Twitter users can "follow" users the other to get the latest news updates from them. Each update may only contain 140 characters, with or without

Text Link Ads: A form of online advertising service in which the advertiser buys a link on another site with the text he select their own and usually without the nofollow tag. This practice is very popular until then Google began to give a penalty sites who sell or buy text links for the purpose of improve search results.

Trackback: A networking tool, similar to the pingback, used to provide information to a site when someone link the link to that site.

Unique visitors: Unique visitors is the number of human visitors
coming into a site within a certain timeframe, Say 3 people have visited a blog on the same day, two people visited two times and each opening 5 pages blog. So on the day, this blog has three unique visitors, 5 total visitors, and 15 page views.

Viral Content: Content that spreads very rapidly in the world
Internet, like the flu virus in real life. Content itself can be either articles, images, or videos, but it must be very funny, controversial or very useful so that people feel need to write about it. or tell a friend about it.

WordPress: The most popular blogging software in the world of the Internet, created by a company called Automattic. WordPress gained popularity mainly because of the support a very active community. There are thousands of people who provide free templates, plugins and support for development projects

URL: Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator. URL includes domain names and protocols are used. Example URL is

Viral Marketing: A marketing techniques to disseminate information quickly using the means of emails, blogs and news from mouth to mouth. Many social media sites and social sites Bookmarking is also used as a means of viral marketing. Many social news sites and social bookmarking sites Also leads to secondary citations.

XML: Short for Extensible Markup Language, which is a simple text formatting and very flexible which is derived from SGML, and is used to facilitate the syndication of information with using RSS technology.