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Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to steal a bloggers article without making an enemy

I knew this title would get your attention. I have to stop writing these kinds of articles because it creates stalkers who want to experiment on my brain. But anyways…

So you want to steal a cool article and use it as your own. But if you did that, you would surely have a ticked off blogger at your doorstep with a double-barrel shotgun waiting for you to check your mail. Right? Nope. I am going to tell you how you can steal an article, and actually make a friend out of the blogger you steal from!

The trick here is to not actually steal it, but do a hybrid review/expansion of that article. What I mean by this is you would find a great article by another blogger, but you read it in-depth and realize that there are points that have been left out of that article. The first thing you want to do is show your appreciation of that article before you do anything else. Once that is done, you start a draft on a new article in your blog.

Ok, so about the new article…

The new article would praise the first article, and link to it directly talking about the things that you liked about it. You would then tell your readers that you had something to add to that topic, or you want to expand upon it. You would then proceed with your version of that article.

The cool thing about this is that you will get the immediate attention of the blogger who wrote the first article. They are likely to come to your blog and comment on yours. In addition, you would probably get a pingback link on the original article. Depending on that pingback, the link might be DoFollow. You also benefit from the traffic on their blog that follows that pingback.

In addition to the above, there is a good chance that the first blogger will promote your article via social networks like twitter and Digg. Their readers will also do that because it helps promote the original blogger that they follow.

Go out there and steal some articles!

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